Tea Ceremony with Sacred Medicinal Celtic Plants and Sound Bath Evening with Renata July 2024
24th July 6.30pm – 8.30pm
Join me on a journey with Medicinal Celtic plants!
Learn their traditional uses, their history, their legends and stories along with the scientific evidence that they work. Let’s learn what our ancestors have practised for millennia!
The plant we’re going to connect with in July is Plantain also known as Snakeweed or White Man’s foot. Its Latin name is Plantago lanceolata.
Travellers in ancient times believed that if they placed the plantain leaves inside their soles (sole = planta in latin), the leaves would cool their feet and fight off exhaustion.
Plantain is native to Europe and Asia, but it is widely spread across the world, it can grow at the meadows, fields, wetlands, pastures, roadsides, pathways and abandoned grounds. It can grow everywhere, even in the middle of the cracked pavement.
In Ireland, the plantain was mostly used to heal the wounds. It was believed that it was used to heal Jesus’s wounds after the crucifiction. In County Kerry it was said that the five ridges on the plantain leaves commemorate the five wounds of Jesus Christ.
There are several plants known as a Drawing Agents and the plantain is considerate as the primary one. It is able to pull infection, pus, dirt and splinters out of the wounds. It is not known what chemical constituents allow it, but the doctrine of signatures clearly points at it: plantain grows on very hard ground and it is able to pull the nutrients from the hard-packed soil. If it can do it for itself, it can do it for us too.
It is abundant in our Labyrinth garden, and it can not be missed if you know what it looks like.
If you like to hear more about this ancient medicinal plant, sign up for our Tea ceremony and Sound Bath evening!
You are welcome to bring a journal or some paper and a pen with you on the evening to take some notes during the workshop, if you wish. You might also like to bring an eye mask for the sound bath, but it is not necessary if you do not have one.